Settle for a Slowdown

I swear the last few days have flew by and it seems that there will be no rest until the night of the 24th! Does it feel that way for everyone? The next few days are jammed packed with shopping, baking, wrapping and family stuff.

Went shopping with my mom, granny and sister today in Anderson. Drove up to Clemson to pick my sister up and spent the day with her. I pick up this great stamp ::

I just ♥ it!

I also picked this up for Jason and I wanted to get this for me. I also saw this and just fell in ♥!

Also finished up shopping for Jason's presents and I got everything wrapped! YAY! I am done shopping! Whew, good thing because I do NOT have the patience for the last minute traffic!

On another note, I cannot wait to see the Alvin & the Chipmonks Movie tomorrow! I grew up with these guys and their rendition of their Christmas song. Lucky for you guys YouTube has the video!!!

merry merry

December Day 18

christmasjournal07day18, originally uploaded by studio*chaos.

Love, Elsie and EK Sucess.

I used photos from Thanksgiving, which kinda works well because in my journaling I talk about how Thanksgiving day and Christmas day dinners are almost identical. Easy and fun!

Photo ♥

Not so Charlie Brown Tree

Mauii ♥

Driving Miss. Arabella

Twitty Family 2007 (very windy day!)
Merry Merry Wednesday Nite!

Busy Busy ME!

12-12-2007 ::

12-13-2007 ::

12-14-2007 TBF ::

12-15-2007 ::

12-16-2007 ::

Yes, I misspelled grateful. LOL and I'm OK with it.


Finally catching up. Got out of the scrapbooking groove on Wednesday, then Christmas and birthday activities took up the other days. Slowly catching up. If I didn't have to call the HAVOC AC man this morning I would be totally caught up (thermostat bit the dust Sunday).

Quiet birthday for me. I celebrated with my parents Sunday night and was looking forward seeing a movie with J tonight but he ended up having to work. But I did get a beautiful bouquet of roses before he had to scoot out to work. He's wonderful, always thinking of me. I couldn't ask for anything more.

merry merry

Daily Update

December 12th thru the 17th. I should have some journal pages up tonight or in the morning. Ihave fallen behind because of the festivities, but I plan to catch up tonight!

merry merry

Happy 25 to me!

Happy 25 to me!, originally uploaded by studio*chaos.