Sharing Online

Duke, Mine and Jason's Dalmation. He is intent on helping me write this post.

So I posted my first layouts on Creating Keepsakes and Two Peas last night. I have been scrapbooking on and off since 2001, but have really just started to get into a groove. I am still in the process of finding my style, but it's a really fun journey.

Here are the first 3 LO's online:

I have been very skeptical about posting my pages in the online galleries. Why? At first I didn't know why, then the day after I posted them I realized what it was. The comments.

I am scared to get bad reviews! How silly is that? This is art, it doesn't matter what other people think about your art work or LO, it's how you feel about it. If you are proud enough to display your work to the public then you should not worry about the critics out there who just want to make themselves feel better by putting you down.

Now don't take this the wrong way, I have not received any negative feedback so far. I am expecting it, because there is always someone out there who can't resist making someone else feel bad.

I guess I am just a softy, I wear my heart on my sleeve. I want everyone to be happy, loved and positive. Not all people agree with me!

Anyway, I am excited and have decided no matter the feedback I receive from my LO's I will use them in a positive way to grow my artistic side.


On another note, Leg Up's Fall Schooling Show is this weekend! Come check us out and watch!