Ali Altered Canvas

Images by Ali Edwards, © 2007 CK Media, LLC

So Creating Keepsakes website is offering a challenge to you multi-medium scrapbookers out there. It's a call for an "Ali Altered Canvas" like the ones in Ali Edwards new book "Life Artist".

The idea of an altered canvas is not a new idea for me. I have been adding different media and objects to my paintings for while now, but for some reason it never occurred to me to use photos with the paintings. I am very excited to get started on some new altered canvases! I plan on making a set of 4 canvases for my studio, some with photos and others without. I will be posting these on the Creating Keepsakes website and here later this week!

NOTE::**I am also anxiously awaiting my October KOTM from Lisa Bearnson! This kit is the "Courage Through Hope" album Ali Edwards designed. It's going to be the perfect gift for my grandmother! Can't wait to get started!**