I have moved!!! Yay! my new address is::
come see me and read along with my crafty, doggie, messy, random adventures!
love, amber
Typepad here I come!
Right Now + RAK
Right Now, originally uploaded by studio*chaos.
1. EXIT in the light, 2. HOW MUCH MONEY?, 3. Untitled, 4. polaroid 72., 5. Put On The Brakes, 6. Unlock, 7. Art Installation, 8. Lei Your Love on the Line, 9. Manzanas
Right now I am inspired by flickr and urban outfitters.
FYI :: I am giving away a RAK to celebrate my 1,000 visitor since I started this little blog. Just leave a comment and tell me what is inspiring you lately! I will choose a winner at random on New Years Day!
24 + 25 + 26 +27 +28
I have be very jealous of Ali Edwards acrylic Christmas album all through December. Wishing I had made an acrylic Christmas album instead. I love the see through elements. I love the simple clean look. I love the whole idea of being able to see whats next! So I decided to experiment with it last night.
I had a atlas that I had mutilated by taking out it's spiral binding to use with a calendar I made for my father and that left me atlas pages and some thick plastic acrylic looking covers. I took the maps that related to me, such as South Carolina, Louisiana (for our trip) and North Carolina. I cropped and cropped all the pages into 7 X 4 pages. Printed out some transparencies and photos, added some embellies and text and I was done. I punched a hole in the top and slipped a chain I got off my new Converse sneakers to bind it all together. Voila! Mini look back at 2007!
The idea started as a mini book of my favorite things right now, but it ended up being a mini look back at the important things that happened to me in 2007.
It was fun for my first try, but I love how it turned out and can't wait to make another one!
I get claustrophobic after Christmas. I think it's because my family always gives big Christmases and I always have A LOT of stuff to bring home with me after the holidays. I get home and have the daunting task of finding homes for all the new stuff.
Most years I look at my clutter and ignore the nagging cleaning purging vibe I get. I then proceed to stash my new stuff among old clutter, making even more clutter. The strange thing is, I hate clutter but am also a pack rat. Contradictory, I know. I keep everything, thinking to myself "I might need this someday." Sometimes I'm right and most of the time I'm wrong.
This year the claustrophobia could not be ignored. I had to purge. I have been meaning too, but I just keep putting it off. I'm a procrastinator too, yeah bad combo. I started with the attic, which didn't have that much stuff in it. Done. Now I have room for Christmas supplies.
Whew, I feel great. You should try it too!
P.S. We found GREAT homes for the 2 cats we found!! Christmas kitties! Yay!
Enjoy your nite!
A Very Merry Christmas Indeed
Never too late...
Journal Your Christmas Day 22
Journal Your Christmas Day 21
Journal Your Christmas Day 19
Click here for better views of all the above photos.
Daily Update + Free Kitties
Last night on the way to my parents house dinner I spotted a white ball of fur on the side of the road about 2 miles from my parents house. This is not unusual. My parents live in a rural area and routinely you will see roadkill on the roads, but this was not roadkill, it was a big fluffy cat.
We are going to make sure no one lost them (but I doubt it, it looks like someone dropped them off on the side of the road, another thing that is not uncommon around that area) and then try to find good homes for them. I will be posting photos as soon as I can.
Does anyone in the Columbia, SC area want a kitty for Christmas? Or anyone lost one off of Syrup Mill Rd recently?